Friday, September 22, 2017

Best paper award for SoSyM 2017

by Michał Antkiewicz, Sep 22, 2017

Our paper "Synthesis and exploration of multi-level, multi-perspective architectures of automotive embedded systems" published in the Software and Systems Modeling journal has won one of the six best paper awards for year 2017.

Congratulations to our students Jordan Ross, Jimmy Liang, and Alexandr Murashkin!

The work presented in the paper was Jordan's master's thesis work based on previous master's thesis work by Alexandr. Jimmy made it all possible by contributing chocosolver, the scalable Clafer backend.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Clafer Tutorial at CBSOFT'17

by Michał Antkiewicz, Sep 18, 2017

Today, prof. Andrzej Wąsowski (IT University of Copenhagen) delivered a 3.5h tutorial entitled "Domain Modeling and Variability Modeling in Clafer" at CBSOFT'17, Fortaleza, Brazil.

The tutorial introduced the Clafer language and the participants used the online Clafer tools to write and analyze their models.


Variability Modeling is a key activity in implementing Software Product Lines and highly configurable systems. Clafer is a small language for domain modeling with excellent support for variability modeling.  In this tutorial, we will introduce the basics of variability modeling and the basics of the  Clafer language.  Most of the tutorial will be interactive. The participants will use online Clafer tools to create basic models and analyze them, including consistency checking of models, and finding optimal configurations. Time permitting, we will discuss extensions of Clafer beyond structural domain modeling.